Christmas: A Day to Conquer

I had a fantastic
Christmas, honestly it has definitely made it into my top 3 Christmases. Not that I have
a ranking system. But hypothetically if I did, it was up there. There are a few
reasons for this, and of course I will tell you each one. I'll probably go off
topic slightly during each reason, but that's my style, so bear with me.
Firstly, Cian
actually understood it was Christmas this year! He understood that Santa was
coming, and that he would be arriving with a harem of flying reindeer. He
bought into the concept of leaving goodies out for Santa and his crew. It was quite cute. He was quite specific
about what was to be left out. Don't get me wrong, we left out the usual mince
pie and carrot, but a Paw Patrol yogurt had to be gifted too. It worked though,
Santa gobbled it all up. The yogurt must have complimented his Peroni quite nicely.

Christmas morning started as a normal day in our household. Cian woke up about 6am, sauntered through to our bed, and watched Paw Patrol on the IPad until we were ready to feed and water him. When we had woken up, at approximately 07:30, selfishly Jack and I wanted the Christmas magic to begin! We wanted the big unveiling to happen. We wanted our home oozing Christmas spirit and joy. But, Cian was not so ready. He didn't really like the idea of changing our usual morning routine. I get it, why fix what ain't broken? We actually ended up having to bribe Cian to get out of bed. He actually refused to leave. Who can blame him though, it was pretty cold.
When we eventually got Cian through to the living room, he understandably wasn't in the best of moods. Being forcibly removed from your bed can do that to a person. I have first hand experience. I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed having the roles reverse that morning. Anyway, he had started the morning grumpy, and we both knew it was going to be a struggle to re-engage him. When we did eventually get him through to the living room, he announced he needed the toilet. Potty training strikes again! As i've alluded to in my earlier potty training related posts, potty training does ruin your life. Why should Christmas morning be any different? Anyway, once he had taken his magical morning leak, we then re-started the 'magical' living room entry process for the second time.
When we eventually got Cian through to the living room, he understandably wasn't in the best of moods. Being forcibly removed from your bed can do that to a person. I have first hand experience. I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed having the roles reverse that morning. Anyway, he had started the morning grumpy, and we both knew it was going to be a struggle to re-engage him. When we did eventually get him through to the living room, he announced he needed the toilet. Potty training strikes again! As i've alluded to in my earlier potty training related posts, potty training does ruin your life. Why should Christmas morning be any different? Anyway, once he had taken his magical morning leak, we then re-started the 'magical' living room entry process for the second time.
The first thing Cian
struggled with, was the fact Santa was not there. We kept saying "we need to check if Santa has been", so he just
assumed Santa would still be there. I get it, I really do. Why would someone
gift you presents and then not stick around for the unveiling? It is quite a
weird concept really. The other struggle he had, was opening presents at a good
pace. It's wasn't ever something I had really considered. The speed at which
gifts would or should be unwrapped? I think it took Cian 3 hours to open 5 presents. Each
present had to be completely unwrapped and un-packaged (there's so much bloody packaging), and
played with, before moving on to the next present. By 11am we were all
exhausted. Like most peoples' houses, we had packaging and wrapping paper
coming out of our ears.
I do realise that
turned into a slight negative of Christmas, but really it was just a blip on an
otherwise perfect day! At about 12pm we drove over to my parent's house. Cian
had a well needed nap on the way, and you know what they say - 'A nap a day, keeps
the terrible twos slightly at bay'. I'm
kidding, no one actually says that. Because there is NOTHING that will keep the
terrible twos at bay. Anyway, when we arrived at my parent's house, we were
like a new family. We had all recharged on the drive over. We got into the
house, had some Prosecco, opened some more presents, and the fun began!
My parents do
Christmas dinner at about 4pm, courtesy of my very talented mother. Thank
goodness, because I could not cook the dinner to save myself. I've already
started preparing Jack for the eventuality of hosting Christmas dinner. I don't
feel responsible enough yet to be in charge of such an important meal. But I
know that time will come. And we have two options, either I buy everything
pre-made from M&S, or Jack cooks. I'm sure i'll let you know when that time comes, what our decision is.

So all in all, it
was a fantastic Christmas. You know what though, I think I may have been
converted into a Christmas lover! You know, the ones I talked about in my
previous Christmas blog post! Bring on Easter!
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