Toddler. Eat. Housework. Repeat.
I'm going to be straight with you. Trying to come up with an idea for a new blog post has been a bit of a challenge. I guess this must be how actual authors feel. They pour their heart and soul into a book, it becomes a best seller (yeah, I'm being slightly full of myself here), and then they have to start all over again. But really my blogger's block (a blogger's version of writer's block) is just because nothing that remarkable has happened lately. It's just been normal day-to-day life. You know, toddler, eat, housework, repeat. So instead of making something up (which I totally could do), I'm just going to tell you all about the journey I have been on with my husband, Jack. Just the complete unfiltered truth of how we have found transitioning from being an in love duo, to a happy family of three. I must warn you, there are a few assumptions made here. Jack is not a communicator, so sometimes I have to fill in the gaps and guess what he is thinking. ...