About Me
Hey, I'm Zara! Some people call me Zaz. I'm mum to one Cian Thor Lavery. I am 28 years old and live with my 2-year old son and my 26-year old husband, Jack. We live in Edinburgh, Scotland. We both work full time in financial services which is handy because for the most part we both work 9 - 5.
So where is Cian when we are at work?
Well, Cian has the best job ever. The only down side is he doesn't actually get paid and actually we have to pay a pretty little sum instead. He's at nursery full-time which means he has play time, story time, messy play, every other sort of play, all day every day. What a life! I do find myself quite often on a Monday morning resenting the fact that he gets an afternoon nap... The nursery have an onsite chef who provides him with all the nutrition he could ever need. I rely on that quite heavily when I get home from work and realise I forgot to prepare Cian's dinner. Good daily nutrition means the mum guilt isn't as severe when I can only rustle up some baked beans on toast.
How did Jack and I meet?
How did Jack and I meet?
The last year for us has been a whirwind. We bought a flat, we got married, and I started a new job. I say the last year, but all that happened within the space of 2 months. I think I was pretty chilled out throughout that whole process.. Jack might think differently, but lucky for me, he isn't the one blogging!
Blogging and Vlogging
My blogs and my vlogs are by no means a library of parenting advice. Let's call them the opposite. I actually started this site because I find sharing my parenting struggles therapeutic, and sharing memories very enjoyable. I think for pretty much my whole adult life I've not really had a hobby. Well I thought I had one, but then I was told that binge watching boxsets didn't count. So maybe this blog/vlog stuff can be my new hobby!
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