
Showing posts from January, 2019

Backseat Parenting - The Bruise on my Banana

Spot the hat. One clue: Not where it should be. Good evening everyone! I say that because obviously I am writing in the evening but of course please squeeze me into whenever suits your busy schedule. I wanted to share with you what happened the other evening.  On our walk home from nursery, Cian and I were victims of Backseat Parenting. A phrase I have coined to describe someone who offers up their opinion on your parenting without provocation. Basically, unwanted parenting advice. If I was submitting my expression to be entered into the dictionary, my definition would be: Backseat Parenting (verb) [Bak-seet-pair-uh n-ting] 'A person who offers unsolicited advice or criticism relating to your parenting.' Sounds professional right? I did work quite hard on that, so I'd appreciate some laughs. So, what happened? Well, Cian and I were walking along the road, quite happily, as we always do. I try to walk from the house to work/nursery ev...

Mumming: The 'On The Job' Learning Stuff

Seeing as I pride myself in being pretty honest when it comes to parenting. I thought, what better than writing a post all about my  experiences of parenting. Because for me, being a mum has ended up being very different to what I had expected. Of course, I had expected to have an undeniable bond with my son. And I got that. I still just stare at him sometimes with so much love. Really, it could be seen to be bordering on obsession. But that's normal right? It's the part of parenting, that I did not anticipate, that I want to talk about. Just the parts that no one else tells you about. The on the job learning stuff. Of course, the good things do outweigh the bad.. most days. Unless you're going through the terrible twos.. You just need to stock pile the wine and chocolate in then. Sleep when the baby sleeps! So, the hardest part of parenting for me, has hands down been the lack of sleep. And if I am lucky enough to get sleep, I struggle with the number of interrup...

Christmas: A Day to Conquer

And like that, the holidays are over. Does anyone else tend to find Christmas and New Year pretty anti-climactic? Is that even the word? That sort of looks like I'm talking about the climate? I'm not. I'm talking about how there is literally two full months of build up to Christmas. And then it's all over quicker than you can say "Cian, stop cuddling the Christmas Tree!"  I'm not making it up. We did have to say that more than once during the holidays. But maybe that was a slightly Grinchy start to a post-holiday post? But what else do you expect? I'm writing this on the eve of my return to work. But please, stick with me reader, it'll get better, I promise! I had a fantastic Christmas, honestly it has definitely made it into my top 3 Christmases. Not that I have a ranking system. But hypothetically if I did, it was up there. There are a few reasons for this, and of course I will tell you each one. I'll probably go off topic slightly dur...